No nonsense guide to meditation for remote workers

No nonsense guide to meditation for remote workers

  1. Sit comfortably. But not too comfortably. Try to keep an upright position of body.
  2. Start a timer (3 minute is sufficient for first timers)
  3. Make your eyelids rest. Which means “Close your eyes”. But don’t shut them like you’re trying not to see things.
  4. Start observing your thoughts. Don’t try to focus on anything. Just be aware of your thoughts. The thoughts will go away as soon as you become aware of them. Then the new wave of thought might come.
  5. Do that observation until your timer rings
  6. Repeat steps 1 → 5 for 3 times a day (one right before breakfast, one right after your lunch, one right before going to bed)

You might be noticed that I was true to my words (well, at least until now 😅)